Ordinance suppressing the Minimum Emolument is published in the Portuguese Official Journal
After having been long waited, the amended version of Ordinance (Portaria) No. 403-B/2015, of 13 November 2015, which establishes the amount of fees due for services provided by Assay Offices, was finally published in the Diário da República last Friday, 17 July.
This amendment will have immediate impact in mitigating the difficulties experienced by the Jewelry Sector as a result of the measures restricting economic activity which, with the aim of curbing the transmission of COVID 19, have strongly affected these businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.
The Ordinance, which took effect on 18 July, by dropping the minimum fee per lot known as minimum emolument, and by changing the calculation of the fees due for the provision of the testing and marking service, which now takes into account only the weight of the metal with the fractions already in force, will result in a clear cost reduction that will significantly benefit the Assay Offices’ customers.
On the other hand, the simplification of the invoicing system of our services will have the added advantage of contributing to the much-needed streamlining of the work preparation process, especially in the constitution of lots, all benefiting from the consequent improvement of the service levels provided to the Assay Offices’ branches.
As partners in this sector, which greatly contributes to national economy and cultural heritage, we share the satisfaction with which you certainly welcome these news.
You may consult the new Ordinance here.