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The legislation that regulates the Assay Offices activity as well as the market for artefacts and precious metal watches is the following:




  • Notice no. 19408/2018 of 31 December – Regulation for the Supervision of Activities regulated by the Legal System of Jewellery and Hallmarking.



  • Directive no 374-A/2017, of 31 October – Establishes the marks that can be applied by assay offices, the applicable assay and marking provisions and the technical requirements for articles of precious metals, under the terms of the legal regime for goldsmiths and assay offices (RJOC)


  • Decree-Law 120/2017, of 15 September – Establishes the marks that can be applied by assay offices, the applicable assay and marking provisions and the technical requirements for articles of precious metals, under the terms of the legal regime for goldsmiths and assay offices (RJOC) Law no. 98/2015, of 31 October – Establishes the marks that can be applied by assay offices, the applicable assay and marking provisions and the technical requirements for articles of precious metals, under the terms of the legal regime for goldsmiths and assay offices (RJOC).


  • Decree-Law 44/2016, of 17 August – Establishes the optional nature of the rules applicable to assaying and marking, provided for in Law no. 98/2015, of 18 August, which approves the legal regime for goldsmiths and assay offices, regarding jewellery artefacts of special interest, as well as used articles of precious metal, provided that they are over 50 years old.


  • Directive no. 403-A/2015, of 13 November – Establishes the minimum conditions for the civil liability insurance of the melter-assayer technical manager, as well as the civil liability insurance of valuers of articles of precious metal and gemological material, provided for respectively in article 54(4) and article 55(2) of the legal regime for goldsmiths and assay offices (RJOC), approved by Law no. 98/2015, of 18 August.


  • Directive no. 403-B/2015, of 13 November – Establishes the amounts of fees payable for services provided by the assay office, as referred to in article 107 of the legal regime of goldsmiths and assay offices (RJOC), approved by Law no. 98/2015, of 18 August, and revoking Directive no. 418-A/2012, of 19 December.


  • Law no. 98/2015, of 18 August – Approves the legal regime for goldsmiths and assay offices and revokes Decree-Laws nos. 391/79, of 20 September, 57/98, of 16 March, and 171/99, of 19 May.


  • Directive no. 109/2015, of 21 April – Regulates and establishes the fees related to the application of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme for the international trade in rough diamonds.



  • Regulation (EC) no. 764/2008, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 9 July 2008, laying down procedures relating to the application of certain national technical rules to products lawfully marketed in another Member State and repealing Decision No 3052/95/EC.


  • Decree no. 2/2006, of 3 January approves the amendments to the Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals, signed in Vienna on 15 November 1972 and approved, for ratification, by Decree-Law no. 56/82, of 29 April, adopted by the 48th meeting of the Standing Committee, held at Morges on 13 and 14 December 1999, and amended at its 50th meeting, held at Geneva on 9 January 2001; the amendments to annexes I and II of the Convention were adopted by the Standing Committee at its 45th meeting, held in Helsinki on 25 and 26 May 1998, and the amendments to annex II were adopted by the Standing Committee at its 43rd meeting, held in Vienna on 15 October 2002.


  • Decree no. 56/82, of 29 April – approves, for ratification, the Convention on the Control and Marking of Articles of Precious Metals.