Never so much as now has the role of digital technology been so crucial in our lives. That is why it is now time to announce the launch of the new site “Assay Offices” which, we believe, will bring huge benefits to all parties by allowing to speed up processes that would previously have to be face-to-face or, at least, not so immediate.
In addition to an autonomous website with a more modern image, combining innovation with tradition, the portal is now oriented to the needs of different kinds of users, by personalizing its contents, functionalities and relevant information. It will therefore include two restricted access areas: an area reserved for the Jewelry Advisory Board and another area restricted to Customers in which, after online registration (via email and taxpayer number), the economic operator enjoys the advantage of creating a personal account where (s)he can manage and consult the status of his/her work and delivery deadlines or file complaints, among other features.