Articles of precious metal from a member state of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) may be placed on the domestic market without the need for assay and marking by the assay office, provided that:
- The economic operator’s manufacturing responsibility mark or equivalent is registered with the assay office;
- The assay office mark and standard mark have been previously recognised by the Portuguese Quality Institute (IPQ, I.P.)
See the list of countries that have Laboratories with assay office marks recognised in Portugal:

- SAVECO – Sociedad Andaluza de Verificación y Contraste de Metales Preciosos, S.A.
- ECOMEP – Ensayos y Contraste de Metales Preciosos de Andalucía, S.L.U.
- Instituto Tecnológico de la Bisuteria (ITEB)
- LGAI – Technological Center, S.A
- Colegio Oficial de Joyeros, de Orfebres, de Relojeros y de Gemólogos de Cataluña – Laboratorio de Ensayo y Contraste de Objetos de Metales Preciosos
- XUNTA DE GALICIA – Consellería de Innovación e Industria Dirección Xeral de Industria Enerxia e Minas Laboratorio Oficial de Contrastación de Metales Preciosos de Galicia
- Centro de Laboratorios Y Servicios Industriales de Madrid. Laboratorio de Contraste de Metales Preciosos
- Consejeria de Industria y Medio Ambiente de Murcia Dirección General de Industria, Energia y Minas. Laboratorio Oficial de Metales Preciosos
- Federación Vasca de Joyeros Plateros Relojeros y Bisuteros de Bizkaia
- AIMME – Asociacion de Investigación de la Industria Metalmecánica, Afines y Conexas

- Edelmetaal Waarborg Nederland b.v.
- WaarborgHolland
For more information on recognised laboratories, click here.
Articles of precious metal from a EU or EEA Member State that are exempt from marking under the terms of the respective legislation, but are not exempt from marking under the scope of Portuguese legislation, must be assayed and marked in advance by a Portuguese assay office or a recognised assay office of the country of origin, so that they can be placed on the domestic market.